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DiveVPN is a fully decentralized VPN service of a new generation based on the post-quantum blockchain. DiveVPN is really anonymous, robust and quantum-safe. With DiveVPN, your traffic will never be tracked and your data will never be sold!
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Enjoy video and music streaming websites, sport events, games, social media, messengers, and more with RUSVPN

The quantum-resistant next-generation VPN
DiveVPN is a fully decentralized VPN service of a new generation based on the post-quantum blockchain. DiveVPN is really anonymous, robust and quantum-safe. With DiveVPN, your traffic will never be tracked and your data will never be sold!

What you...
Show more...The quantum-resistant next-generation VPN
DiveVPN is a fully decentralized VPN service of a new generation based on the post-quantum blockchain. DiveVPN is really anonymous, robust and quantum-safe. With DiveVPN, your traffic will never be tracked and your data will never be sold!

What you can do with Dive VPN
Shielded and widened internet surfing
With Dive VPN, you are fully protected from unwelcome tracking and monitoring. Your internet browsing is more free and exciting!

Full decentralization
Dive VPN protects you from the unwanted attention of spy websites and annoying advertisers. No problems with visiting websites, no goods “chasing” you – your real IP will never be flagged on the Internet. Privacy isn’t a luxury, it’s an inalienable human right.

Modern quantum-resistant cryptography
Full decentralization
Dive VPN is based on the decentralized DAP blockchain platform. Decentralization allows you to be independent of servers location and your connection is as fast as possible!

Strong data protection
Dive VPN applies advanced data protection practices such as onion routing and data packaging. This safeguards your information from hacking – say confidently NO to your constant fears for the safety of your bank card details, personal information, and passwords!

Modern quantum-resistant cryptography
Our VPN is based on post-quantum encryption algorithms while other VPN services still use the obsolete AES-256 algorithm. Even a quantum supercomputer will not be able to crack Dive VPN. Your transactions, browsing, and conversations will never be at risk of quantum attack.

Advanced traffic obfuscation
Additional features of Dive VPN are obfuscation, spoofing, and mixing of fictitious traffic. All these provide you with the exclusive level of security and anonymity.

What you can do with Dive VPN
We don’t use servers as ordinary VPN services do. DiveVPN is based on disseminated nodes that can locate anywhere. Our nodes may be on a notebook, a private server, a smartphone. It makes us very flexible – if your current node has problems you may change it immediately. As well as you can choose the nearest node with the highest speed.

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Enjoy video and music streaming websites, sport events, games, social media, messengers, and more with RUSVPN

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