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Ethlance is a first of its kind job market platform, built entirely on blockchain and using only cryptocurrency for payments. Thanks to those technologies, the platform can sustainably run with 0% service fees. Ethlance will never take a cut from transactions between freelancers and employers.
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Ethlance is first job market platform working completely on Ethereum blockchain with 0% service fees

We're running on the public Ethereum blockchain with our front-end source files written in ClojureScript and served via decentralised file storage using IPFS. Ethlance is completely...
Show more...Ethlance is first job market platform working completely on Ethereum blockchain with 0% service fees

We're running on the public Ethereum blockchain with our front-end source files written in ClojureScript and served via decentralised file storage using IPFS. Ethlance is completely open-source and you can find its code on If you found a bug, please don't hesitate to open an issue on Github.
If you're unsure how to use Ethereum, please see the How it works page

The Ethlance backend logic consists of 14 smart-contracts, deployed on the following addresses:

EthlanceViews at 0x1f286cB2EB7AE530FD85FD6EcE2e17d4f60D8DaA
EthlanceUser at 0x27d233fa6032e848a016092d70493b2a5f13a95f
EthlanceMessage at 0xf94aa98bde7589719f1f08c6fb032debd0d7e9e6
EthlanceConfig at 0xe7d8d05f8328ea5b8fba5a77d4e4172487264bda
EthlanceContract at 0x8F24AF20ad202C77686B771AD3dBc6b1fe28dDdD
EthlanceSponsor at 0xb9f7d3b60ec29bd73fd66428f140ed5b0e1ef6ec
EthlanceSearchFreelancers at 0x43386ad7af76ca5384bc06ae0c74e230f32744ee
EthlanceInvoice at 0x78f1072964d7f110e06670c229794afbdce7e474
EthlanceSearchJobs at 0x9e2f85eea233047e527039681ad84448c8926690
EthlanceFeedback at 0x2249713725c8a4a070a61de0bdce6b1081014185
EthlanceSponsorWallet at 0xc80d2cb06ce606395178692de07ea9da1f873aa3
EthlanceUser2 at 0x42c3e6bf6e47ad3d6cbb0b966c44e9331e96dd3e
EthlanceDB at 0x5371a8d8d8a86c76de935821ad1a3e9b908cfced
EthlanceJob at 0xB9E80ce5A7CbbA0Aab685797F6585AD1f3c90028

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