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Tokenly Pockets

1 0.9
Digital Token Wallet powered by Bitcoin
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
Wallet Anonymity
Wallet Ease of use
Wallet Security
Chrome extension
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The most secure Bitcoin wallet for iOS or Android. Use the CoolWallet S as your go-to Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, and ERC20 Token...

Tokenly Pockets is an easy-to-use Chrome Plugin wallet for the storing and sending of Bitcoin, Counterparty, and Counterparty assets that stores your secret passphrase locally in the browser with the option of client-side password encryption.
Network data is collected from several APIs...
Show more...Tokenly Pockets is an easy-to-use Chrome Plugin wallet for the storing and sending of Bitcoin, Counterparty, and Counterparty assets that stores your secret passphrase locally in the browser with the option of client-side password encryption.
Network data is collected from several APIs including,, and Transactions are assembled and signed locally then pushed to the network as a raw transaction through’s pushtx API.
Tokenly Pockets is Open Souce.

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