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Your old smartphone is your new ‘hardware wallet’. Secure your various crypto assets with one secret on an offline device.
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Crypto Payments & Merchant Solutions

Your old smartphone is your new ‘hardware wallet’. Secure your various crypto assets with one secret on an offline device.

AirGap not only offers transaction support for different protocols and tokens but also comes with more extended features.

With the Exchange...
Show more...Your old smartphone is your new ‘hardware wallet’. Secure your various crypto assets with one secret on an offline device.

AirGap not only offers transaction support for different protocols and tokens but also comes with more extended features.

With the Exchange support in AirGap Wallet, swaps can be made directly in-App without having to transfer funds to an exchange and then creating an order. Seamlessly exchange Tezos, Ethereum, Bitcoin and æternity ERC20 directly inside AirGap Wallet.

Delegation & Baking
AirGap has with the baker tezosAirGap a validator for the Proof of Stake protocol Tezos. XTZ holders can earn a share of the validation reward by delegating their Tezzies to a baker. Delegating to tezosAirGap can be made directly in AirGap Wallet.

Browser Extension
AirGap’s Browser Extension bridges the Desktop with the AirGap Vault. Offering secure interactions with protocols directly out of the browser and signing transaction within the offline device in AirGap Vault. reviews

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We Ideate, Innovate, Create Technology Solutions

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CryptoCloud is a reliable way to easily accept payments in the most popular cryptocurrencies.


Crypto Payments & Merchant Solutions

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