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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and reliable instant service for cryptocurrency and fiat-to-crypto exchanges. It is an easy-to-use and free from the...


One of the biggest European crypto-to-fiat exchanges

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Binaryx offers the best experience for both professional and non-professional traders. Working with digital currencies and assets has never been so easy.

Cryptocurrencies that we operate
Our team is increasing the number of cryptocurrency pairs on-a-regular-basis. Discover cryptocurrencies...
Show more...Binaryx offers the best experience for both professional and non-professional traders. Working with digital currencies and assets has never been so easy.

Cryptocurrencies that we operate
Our team is increasing the number of cryptocurrency pairs on-a-regular-basis. Discover cryptocurrencies that we currently support, as well as which new cryptocurrencies will appear in our exchange module and trading terminal in the near future.

Binaryx reviews

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A făcut o reîncărcare cu un card bancar, reîncărcarea nu a trecut, suportul a fost încurcat cu capul meu pentru 5 zile acum!


I want to leave my feedback about the Binaryx exchange. I've been using it for over two months, and I can say that it has an intuitive interface, which is easy to use. It's simple to trade and withdraw funds. Other benefits include a profitable referral program and a high level of security (via many specific instruments). I would like to see more trading pairs on the exchange since now their... Read moreI want to leave my feedback about the Binaryx exchange. I've been using it for over two months, and I can say that it has an intuitive interface, which is easy to use. It's simple to trade and withdraw funds. Other benefits include a profitable referral program and a high level of security (via many specific instruments). I would like to see more trading pairs on the exchange since now their number is minimal.

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The exchange is automatic, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without breaks. Payment to the recipient's details after your payment takes 1 to 3 minutes.


SimpleSwap is a user-friendly and reliable instant service for cryptocurrency and fiat-to-crypto exchanges. It is an easy-to-use and free from the...


One of the biggest European crypto-to-fiat exchanges

CoinPanel is an API execution service connecting to multiple centralised crypto exchanges continuously developing and improving trading, risk and...

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