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Ditty Labs

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Ditty Labs is an iOS developer, game developer, industrial IoT developer. We provide software and hardware engineering services and research and development
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We bring years of knowledge and experience to our work. We handle the technical challenges while still creating products that are fun to use. This is because our entire raison d'être is to weave the versatility and potential capabilities of engineering into products that are both functional and...
Show more...We bring years of knowledge and experience to our work. We handle the technical challenges while still creating products that are fun to use. This is because our entire raison d'être is to weave the versatility and potential capabilities of engineering into products that are both functional and enjoyable to use. Our backgrounds have paved the way for us to stand here, at the iOS Device crossroads, and create whatever can be imagined. Our combined experience runs the gamut between fun and tech. From laser shows to neural networks, video game programming to robotics, we've mastered it all. Working with Ditty Labs, you not only get software and hardware solutions, you get results that are simple and creative, intuitive and enjoyable to use.

At Ditty Labs, we put fun into functional!

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