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We are passionate working with:

We develop smart contracts for DAO projects and maintain a high degree of their reliability to ensure transparency of interaction between DAO members.

We cover almost any demands in DeFi infrastructure. We build p2p landing pages, develop complex...
Show more...We are passionate working with:

We develop smart contracts for DAO projects and maintain a high degree of their reliability to ensure transparency of interaction between DAO members.

We cover almost any demands in DeFi infrastructure. We build p2p landing pages, develop complex DEXs and assets tokenization platforms, work on staking, farming and fork protocols.

We solve tasks with NFT royalties and marketplaces development. We work on complex NFT projects for video games and more.

Embarking on Your Own Blockchain Project?
Venturing into the blockchain universe with your project? Assuredly, your team is in search of adept smart-contract developers. But what exactly are your primary considerations for development?

Our competencies

Cross-chain bridges / DeFi applications / Decentralized exchanges / DAO / Smart contracts / Stablecoin development / Token emission /Custodial wallets / Mobile apps for blockchain / Decentralized marketplaces / NFT marketplaces / NFT auctions / Front-end, back-end development for blockchain-based projects

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